Chief Justice Arijit Pasayat & Justice. K.S.Radhakrishnan 

Anand Parthasarathy vs State of Kerala. 

Reported in 2000 (1)KLT 566 = ILR 2000 (2) Kerala 71.

See 2001 (3) KLT SN.140. -Delhi High Court 


Orissa Fire Works and Loudspeaker (Regulation) Act, 1958 - Noise pollution- Unwanted sound - Prescribed standards be enforced.

Noise pollution, simply connotes unwanted sound in the atmosphere. It is unwanted because it lacks the agreeable musical quality. Noise is, therefore, sound, but it is pollution when the effects of sound become undesirable. Noise pollution can be curbed by adopting certain measures, Noise Code, regulating all aspects of noise pollution may be enacted. The prescribed standards regarding noise by Govt. of India may be enforced strictly in letter and spirit. [Bijayananda Patra and others vs District Magistrate .AIR 2000 Orissa 70. Arijit Pasayat (Actg.CJ) & B.P.Das (J)