Local standi – Students’ council challenging decision of Vice –Chancellor permitting certain students to write examination – Organisation without disclosing any material regarding their nature and functioning PIL not maintainable.
Students council challenging the decision of the Vice-Chancellor permitting certain students to take certain examination which he is authorised to take under the relevant Act. The affidavit not disclosing whether council authorised to file litigation , and if so, by whom, whether it has funds to indulge in litigation. Such type of litigations should not be allowed lightly to undertake litigation in the name of public interest litigation. [ Barathiya Homeopathy College v Students Council , H.M.College, Jaipur. AIR 1998 SC 1110 = 1998 AIRSCW 921 = 1998 (1) JT 359 = 1998 (2) SCC 449 = 1998 (1) Scale 331 = 1998 (2) Supreme 82. Mrs. Sujatha Manohar & D.P.Wadhwa (JJ)]