Forest - Directions issued to the State to constitute a task force of permanent nature – Remove encroachments – No approach road should be made to encroach on forest land.

State Government is directed to constitute a task force of permanent nature which would see that the forests involved in the present case are not encroached upon by any person . No one should be allowed to carry on any activity which is alien to the basic concept of afforestation . If any land is allowed in favor of any landless person out of the forest area, immediate steps should be taken to dispossess him. Any encroachment if it still is under continuance shall be removed within a period of three months. Encroachments which have been removed and which are to be removed shall be converted to forest areas by planting trees which are likely to grow on the aforesaid soil as per the opinion of experts. Any person who has felled the trees and has come to the notice of the authorities criminal prosecution as per law should be launched and efforts should be made to bring the case the case to its logical and expeditiously as possible. No approach road to any village should be allowed to be encroached upon and the police authorities as well as the Revenue authorities should make a concerted effort to see that no encroachment of that nature takes place. High Power Committee consisting of the Secretary, Forests, Government of M.P., Chief Conservator of Forests and concerned Divisional Forest Officer should be constituted to oversee all the steps as directed above. [Patiram Chandel vs. State of Madhya Pradesh. [2004]15 ILD 589.Madhya Pradesh  Dipak Misra and A.K.Shristava (JJ)] -